[PAGE 1] Strip Fighting
The basics of strip fighting are simple. First, wear down your opponent by attacking their individual articles of clothing: pants, shirt, and/or headgear. Once their clothes have taken enough damage, reach in and rip each piece of their outfit clean off, one by one.
Per NIRO regulations, any articles of clothing you manage to rip off cleanly are yours to keep. Be advised that not all outfits come off so easily - not without being torn to the point of being unwearable - but the Master knows several special techniques to mitigate that problem. (The question of how to curry the Master's favor, to the point where she'll share those techniques, is best left to the individual.)
Also be aware that, due to past altercations, strip fighting has become a trend in Akihabara, even among civilians. Agents, particularly [REDACTED] agents, are encouraged to guard their modesty.
[PAGE 2] Mirror Snap
One of NIRO's proprietary inventions, the Mirror Snap can attach to an ordinary camera phone, effectively turning the phone into a Shadow Soul detector. Any Shadow Souls caught on camera will appear invisible within the picture. Use this device to distinguish civilians from impostors.
[PAGE 3] Advanced Techniques
When an enemy swings at you, attack just before they connect to perform a counter maneuver. These swift, powerful moves always catch the enemy off guard.
[PAGE 4] Chain Strip
You can wear down and strip off articles of clothing one by one, but if you wear down multiple pieces of clothing before moving in for the kill, you'll set off a "chain strip." Execute the right moves in sequence to strip one opponent after another in quick succession.
[PAGE 5] Fall Back
If your clothes start getting torn, take a breather to smooth them out. Your damaged clothes will pop back, good as new. Warning: You'll be wide open while you do this, so get in the clear before you try it.
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OS: Windows 8.1 or later
Processor: Intel Core i5-750
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 2 GB available space
OS: Windows 8.1 or later
Processor: Intel Core i7-4770
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 2 GB available space